What we’ve learned from 2 years of the Job Canvas

Do you find that your job has different cycles and changes during the year?

I had some time away from client delivery this summer to focus on internal business projects (you know the ones that struggle to make the top of the priority list?)

I was curious to understand whether there had been any changes to how people were using the demo Job Canvas since I last analysed the data for our Job Canvas 1 year Anniversary Event nearly a year ago. 

Through this initial analysis we were pleased to learn that the Job Canvas had global reach (29% users were outside the UK); it was being downloaded by at least one new person around the world every week; and that people’s motivations for using it were varied. In fact, people’s ideas for its implementation positively surprised us! 

“We’re looking for a more engaging way to attract new volunteers, giving a clear definition of the role, whilst avoiding the traditional, dry job descriptions.” 

- HR specialist, non-profit organisation

This summer I delved back into the data, interested to see what had changed, and what this might tell us about the world of digital HR tools.  Here’s what we’ve learned:

1. Usage has doubled

There are now almost 3 new people every week using the digital Job Canvas. And these users remain varied in terms of location, sector and job role. 

A bar chart showing the average number of Job Canvas users per month. The graph show that year 2 saw 2.4 times as many users as year 1.

A bar chart showing the average number of Job Canvas users per month, year 1 vs year 2.

We are proud of how far the Job Canvas has spread, and appreciate everyone who is curious enough to try it out (we’ll talk more about curiosity shortly).

For us, this indicates that there is still a real desire to explore and utilise digital HR tools, regardless of sector or geography.

2. Motivations for using the Job Canvas are even more varied (and have evolved)

We counted over 20 unique motivations expressed by people wanting to use the Job Canvas!

Interestingly, the most common reason this year didn’t even make the top 5 last year: Curiosity. This is a Tailored Thinking value, so we were pleased to see it cited as a motivation by 24% of people who were interested enough to try out something new (you’ll never know unless you try…)

A pie chart showing 10 different motivations for using the Job Canvas, with associated % representing the proportion of people who cited this reason.

A chart showing the top reasons people gave for using the Job Canvas (percentages reflect how frequently each reason was given - many people cited multiple reasons, and so the total doesn’t add up to 100 percent).

Naturally, people typically gave multiple reasons for using the Job Canvas. Exploring tools to support innovative approaches to the future of work; finding a better alternative to traditional job descriptions; and seeking a tool to enable more quality coaching conversations all featured highly.

“I’m working on strengths-based leadership to equip leaders for the future. The job canvas enables adaptability, flexibility, creativity and change - all things we need right now."

- Director, wellbeing institute

3. Job Crafting is gaining more traction

We were thrilled to see a small number of people interested in a tool that supports job crafting, and encourages more strengths-based conversations at work.

We know first-hand the value of job crafting for individuals, teams and organisations, and have used the Job Canvas to bring job crafting conversations to life. For example, encouraging teams to reflect on their core purpose, reframing how we view challenging relationships at work, and finding opportunities to play to our strengths.

In fact, this article and my data analysis of job canvas usage, came about from a conversation with Rob, centred on my own personal Job Canvas, about how I could meaningfully craft my passion for data analysis into my role.

4. The HR challenges are real

Most of all, it was interesting to hear HR folk talk about their current challenges. For example, providing employees with flexibility, role clarity, and opportunities for personal growth, as well as supporting organisational priorities such as agility, employee retention, and values-led behaviours. 

“We are exploring ways to help provide clarity to employees whilst also allowing for flexibility and personal growth.” 

- VP HR, technology manufacturing company

These are priorities you probably recognise, and let’s be honest, they aren’t going away anytime soon. The Job Canvas can help tackle these challenges by centring the purpose of a role or team, and capturing precisely what a role entails. It helps teams work with confidence and clarity in the now, whilst recognising the natural evolution and growth of roles over time.

If you’re looking for new and innovative ways to tackle your people priorities, or would value external support through times of challenge, we’d love to hear from you. Email us: hello@tailoredthinking.co.uk

You can read more about what we offer in this PDF, and play with the Job Canvas yourself via this webpage.

About the author

Charlotte Axon is a Lead People Scientist at Tailored Thinking, and self-confessed data enthusiast. Charlotte has worked on projects focused around employee engagement, inclusion and values, in her capacity as a facilitator and data cruncher / report creator. She is always on the look-out for projects like these which play to her strengths of listening, individualisation, analytical thinking and contextualisation.