Yes, you read that right!
We are delighted to have won the CIPD HR Consultancy of the year award for 2020!
But what did we do and how did we do it?
“What most impressed the judges about Tailored Thinking was the HR consultancy’s distinctly innovative and evidence-based approach to the job crafting initiative delivered for Connect Health, which “improved working lives across the organisation” and left “an impressive legacy” [1].”
Enjoy the whole CIPD People Management Awards or skip to our award at 18:15!
What was the award for?
To be considered for the national awards, Tailored Thinking had to submit a project with a client. We were delighted to partner with Connect Health and present a case study of a job crafting initiative called ‘Be who you want to be’ which we designed and developed with and for them.
Who are Connect Health?
Connect Health are the largest, independent provider of integrated community MSK (musculoskeletal) and physiotherapy services in the UK. Connect have a pioneering approach when it comes to supporting and enabling people which is driven by Lisa Davidson, Chief People Office at Connect Health and Sarah Dewar, Director of People at Connect Health.
What was the project?
‘Bee who you want to be’ was a distinctive, innovative and evidence- based approach to job crafting. The project was focused on enabling people to bring their whole and best selves to work by making small individual and personal changes and improvements to their jobs.
‘Be who you want to be’.
What was the purpose of the project?
The purpose of the project was to consolidate Connect Health’s position as an employer of choice within their industry sector and to create a fulfilling and positive workplace.
Connect recognised the potential and value for both the business and employees themselves in finding ways to tap into the diverse strengths, talents and experiences across their workforce.
What did the project involve?
The project involved 3 key phases.
Phase 1 involved testing job crafting as a concept with different groups across the organisation.
Phase 2 involved evaluating the impact and feedback from pilot groups.
Phase 3 involved embedding job crafting conversations across Connect, through quarterly discussions between team leaders and their colleagues. Each quarter a different theme was discussed such as tasks, relationships, wellbeing, skill development and growth. At the end of each conversation employees were encouraged to make a small positive and personal experimental change to their job.
We asked employees to write down what they love and loathe about their jobs.
“100% of employees applied job crafting & 98% said they could apply this to their own role [2]. ”
What were some of the outcomes?
The key outcome was that people were given increased flexibility and control of their jobs on a day-to-day basis which drove innovation and engagement.
There were a number of additional positive outcomes associated with the project:
88% of people applied job crafting to their roles giving more people ownership over their jobs and careers.
7% increase in intention to stay at the company and increased attraction rates.
13% increase in engagement levels
11% increase in ratings of Connect as a ‘Healthy place to work’
4,900 days reduction of sickness absence
£396,000 savings in turnover
What is job crafting?
Job crafting enables people to proactively personalize their approach to work [3]. There are 5 different types of job crafting, task, relationship, skill, purpose and wellbeing crafting. Organisationally, job crafting has been found to positively influence job engagement, job satisfaction and retention [4].
““Job crafting has now become a way of life within the company, with crafting conversations taking place at all levels of the organisation”– Sarah Dewar – Director of people at Connect Health [5].”
Want to find out more?
If you would like to delve deeper into our project, we’re working with Connect Health to put together a formal case study and workshop to give you a better insight into how we went about this project.
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[3] Baker (2020). Personalization at work.
[4] Baker (2020). Personalization at work.