Job Description.
Recognise this image above? A traditional job description. Does this fill you with joy or excite you? I didn’t think so.
Whilst the world of work is changing rapidly, job descriptions have remained the same. Gathering digital dust as we like to call it.
Over his career, our Founder, Rob Baker has written and reviewed hundreds of job descriptions. In his blog, the history of job descriptions, Rob understands organisations are reliant on job descriptions for good reason. Such as mapping out what a role entails, responsibilities etc. However, he believes this is due to an absence of a viable alternative.
In response, Rob created the Job Canvas. The Job Canvas is digital tool used to map out your role in 9 elements. In a few clicks, you can capture what your role entails, the value that you add to others, the people you support and the resources you need to work at your best.
The Job Canvas is re-inventing how we define, discuss and do work.
“The Job Canvas is a modern digital upgrade to the job description. Developed to support modern, flexible working practices.”
The Job Canvas
3 reasons the Job Canvas is better than job descriptions
Boxing people in vs setting people free.
Job descriptions weigh people down. The Job Canvas sets people free.
Job descriptions and role profiles don’t accurately capture what people do in their day-to-day work. Therefore, they are just there as works of fiction, to hold people back.
The Job Canvas is regularly updated, with relevant elements that can enable people to thrive. Like looking at the core value of your job and your strengths and skills.
Time consuming vs quick and easy.
2. Job descriptions are time consuming. The Job Canvas is quick and easy.
Creating and reviewing a job description are both time consuming and un-engaging activities.
Data collected from Job Canvas workshops shows that colleagues can effectively complete a personal canvas in just 18 minutes. Not only is this quick, it is also fun and interactive by being able to move the boxes around and personalise your Canvas.
Boxing people in vs being flexible
3. Job descriptions box people in. The Job Canvas enables people to be flexible.
Job descriptions are static documents. They consist of a list of tasks and responsibilities that an employee will do in their job. Traditional job descriptions can have the unfortunate impact of creating glass walls. These are invisible barriers on people which stop them from adapting, improving and shaping themselves and their jobs.
The Job Canvas is an editable and interactive document, enabling people to tweak and update elements of their job whenever they like.
It also encourages people to innovate and become more flexible by looking at areas of their role a job description would never consider. For example the core value and purpose of a role, which has become particularly important over the last few years.
Let’s face it, job descriptions do not reflect our modern ways of working. If you want to level up your people, click here to learn more about the Job Canvas.